Pelvic Floor Therapy in Las Vegas

Don’t let leakage, pelvic pain, and other health conditions hold you back from your life.

We help women and men who want to stay active and increase longevity in their sports, activities, and lives. Our Las Vegas physical therapists are committed to keeping you healthy and pain-free so you can feel and perform at your best. We can create a long-term plan focusing on YOU and your pelvic health goals.

Meet Dr. Antoinette Gagliard

Antoinette Gagliard, PT, DPT, PCES, is a pelvic health physical therapist (PFPT) specializing in pelvic health and rehab. She provides pelvic health physical therapy services for Las Vegas men and women, educating clients and training them to return to doing what they love.

Pelvic Floor Therapy Services

Here are the conditions that we provide treatment for both men and women:

Our Location

Our pelvic floor therapy clinic is located in Las Vegas, on the Northwest/Summerlin border.

Address: 7381 Prairie Falcon Road, Suite 110, Las Vegas, NV 89128

Phone: 702-389-1950

Fax: (702) 410-6671

Pelvic Health Articles

Read the latest pelvic health articles from our blog, written by our staff.

Book Your Free Consultation

Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation with a Las Vegas pelvic floor physical therapist.


New to pelvic floor physical therapy? Get answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy is for both Las Vegas men and women and is used to treat conditions including, but not limited to, urinary/fecal incontinence, pelvic pain, obstetric or postpartum conditions, sexual dysfunction and pelvic organ prolapse.

Everyone has a pelvis. We treat both males and females experiencing certain health conditions from pelvic floor dysfunction in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Pelvic Health Physical Therapists go through special training to treat the pelvic floor dysfunction. A pelvic floor physical therapist often goes through an internal examination to identify strength, endurance, and coordination of the pelvic floor.

Although Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists often use manual techniques during their assessment and treatment, Pelvic Health PT often involves more traditional Physical Therapy techniques such as an individualized exercise program, body mechanics training and symptom management techniques.

This can vary between individual cases. At Pillar Kinetic, our professional Las Vegas pelvic floor physical therapists will address all of your questions and concerns with you to see if an internal examination is the best for your individual case.